Project Description

Communities living in the Lower Limpopo Basin in Mozambique depend on the river, and the natural systems it supports, for their livelihood and well-being. In recent years, floods in the Basin have been one of the most destructive disasters, taking an immense human and economic toll. Given the critical climate situation, we developed a climate resilience strategy for the Basin, which showcases short-term measures to cope with climate variability and provides a foundation for medium-term climate change resilience. As a continuation of this work, ARA-Sul, the water agency responsible for the Basin, approached us to develop an investment framework for how to rank and systematize projects that contribute to climate resilience. This framework will provide a way to better direct and organize public and private sector investment.

We are building a persuasive case for donors and investors that climate resilience is not achieved through once-off environmental projects, but rather emerges from iterative and coordinated project interventions. We are working with key institutions in the Limpopo Basin to compile a high-level list of bankable projects. These projects will then be prioritized based on multi-criteria evaluation and stakeholder consultations. The team will then identify implementing agents, institutional roles and responsibilities and potential funding sources for priority projects. Thereafter, we will support engagement with donors in the form of an investment roundtable and preparation of specific funding applications. The Investment Framework and Plan will be completed in early 2017.


Limpopo Basin, Mozambique




Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN)

